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Kelly Turner.
Our wonderful, talented 17yr old daughter, best friend and soulmate sadly passed away on the 6th November following a hard fought battle with DSRCT, a rare teenage cancer. We miss her so very much. Kellys wish is fundraise to research for a Chemotherapy for DSRCT (Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumours) as essentially there isn’t one. Kelly endured 28 rounds of Sarcoma chemotherapy, most of the different chemos made her nauseous and generally weak. Nevertheless Kelly continued with her studies and achieved 10 GCSE passes. We are so incredably proud of her.
Thank you all for fundraising to save Kelly’s life, thanks in particular to the residents of Dover, Deal & Folkestone. There are far too many people to individually mention.
RIP our Kelly xx
Linda, Kelly and Martin Turner
To donate please click here : Martin TURNER is fundraising for The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) (